Choosing A Domain Name

Renowned marketer Dr. Ralph F. Wilson has formulated four criteria to select the correct domain name. A good domain name must meet all four of these criteria: 1. Brevity domain name should be short, the shorter the better. It so for the short domain names is a whole war, and they are 'good' money. There are 2 reasons why a domain name should be short: it is easier to remember and less likely to make a mistake while writing. 2.

Memorability Not all short names are well remembered. Altavista has compatible beliefs. For example, domain names, which are the abbreviation for the company, usually poorly (, belonging to the Russian Public Relations Group, of course, is short, but the man had never come across this abbreviation, just remember it will be difficult). Of course, if your company – ibm, then the use of initials in the domain name has an obvious meaning, it is under such an acronym, and your customers know you. However, most often the use of initials is not desirable, because memorize a set of hard consonants. Very much on the memorability effect rifmuemost rhythm and syllables – as well as in verse. 3.

The domain name must match the name of your company, or in the title should attend the keywords of your business. Naturally, the good that domain that the users just guess the North (, Mabank ( However, if your company name is too long or Latin, and writing does not inspire confidence, try to use the domain name keywords of your business. Can be used as a conversion option (the carpet = carpet), and transliteralny (carpet = kover). 4. The domain should be read accurately and not cause difficulties in writing. Nevertheless, the Internet has many domains that are difficult to write by ear. For the Latin domain there is a problem doubled letters (internettrade, rosevilleelectric). For transliteration characteristic manifold in the writing the same word (mat = kover, cover, KOBEP). It is better to advance to imagine how difficult it is / will be difficult to explain the voice, how to spell your domain name. Buy alternative domain names. For the Russian side is – the most effective method of protection against user errors in the writing of the domain name. For example: and. To begin with fairly basic set. Ru,. Com and. Net. However as the popularity of your website, your competitors can buy similar on writing domains and thus legal way to divert a portion of your clients. Experiment with spelling errors in the example of major online resources and. As you and The second option of a domain alias – names that contain keywords of your business. In this case, by the way, you get the benefit of priority to certain search engines. Do not worry about that a lot of domain names would cause confusion among visitors, advertise something you'll only be one of them, while the rest use a redirect to the primary. So, if you already have a domain name for my site, check its spelling with 4 criteria: brevity; Memorability; The presence of keywords for your business or correspondence behalf of the company; No doubt the writing and .Esli selected name meets all 4 criteria, then proceed to buying it.