In computer security, Bluejacking is the term refers to a technique of sending unsolicited messages between Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones, PDAs or laptops. Bluetooth technology is limited to about 10 meters usually in small devices (like mobile phones) but other larger appliances (such as laptops) with more powerful transmitters can reach 100 meters.
Bluejacking The name comes from a man named Jack. Jack was in a bank looking for other Bluetooth devices. I found a Nokia 7650 and sent him a message saying “Buy Ericsson” ( “Buy an Ericsson”). I call it is called Bluejacking and so since then.
Some people believe that the term comes from Bluetooth Bluejacking and “hijacking”. Although it sounds logical bluejacker no one intercepts anything: only use a feature on your device and the receiver. Both parties maintain full control over your device, and bluejacker can not do anything, not even see the personal information contained herein.
Bluejacking is quite harmless, but do not know as many people think that happens your mobile phone has a virus or something to go on. Normally a bluejacker only send a text message, although the newer phones can send images and sound.
Currently there are several programs used to this practice (such as Bluetooth Messenger, Easy Jack, etc.), Although the most used is MobiLuck. Now this is starting to use BT Info, which does many more things: turn off the phone of the victim, explores its agenda and sms, and can call up and send messages.