The EAD course, as well as any another one, needs to verify the reality of the pupil, is necessary to question the same, in intention to know, its cognitivo degree. The EAD course, as well as any another one, needs to verify the reality of the pupil is necessary to question the same, in intention to know, its cognitivo degree. In 2000, Fields place the following question: ' ' The problems in EAD point, mainly, with respect to the inconveniences of the lack of socialization, the necessity of previous knowledge and the evasion. The socialization lack mentions the absence to it of dynamic communities of learning in the Internet, therefore communitarian and cultural activities practically do not exist. But, in the model of long-distance education, the physical separation between pupils and professors are an intrinsic characteristic. It is lost wealth of the educative, personal relation between pupils and professor, making with that it is difficult to reach the objectives in the affective and moral scope, for example. She is necessary also to consider the requirement of the individual to be scholar the sufficient so that it can understand the texts and use the Net. How much to the evasion, he is difficult still to establish parameters, therefore many pupils tend to abandon its studies same before having started! ' ' Already Rurato and Gouveia (2004) affirm in relation to the EAD that this is industrialized education, consumista education, institutionalized education; authoritarian education and education ' ' massante' '.
Beyond breaching the paradigm of the guardianship of the professor, what it can generate unreliability to the apprentice. Saints, affirm in them that: ' ' In our opinion, the evaluation in EAD is currently limited in agreement the adopted educational paradigm. If the objective will be to prepare hand of qualified workmanship it market or to perfect formed professionals already, the current model of evaluation is appropriate to verify these objectives.