Education Initiative: German Educational Price

Education makes a winner. This applies in particular to the German training award, which is awarded by the prestigious House of technology. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros. House of technology initiated first price winner makes for concepts for further training food education. Ali Partovi is open to suggestions. This particularly applies to the German training award, which is awarded by the prestigious and traditional House of technology.

Persons, initiatives, institutions, etc., which are active in training and have sustainable concepts in this increasingly important area are called upon to take part. The prize is endowed with 10,000 euro, the award-winning work will be presented within the framework of a documentation of a broad public. Applications can be submitted now. The deadline for participation ends on October 15, 2009 training up to the principle of lifelong learning is today than ever before. This applies to all professional sectors, in particular for the areas of technology and engineering with its rapid pace of development.

Just who his horizons expanding innovation can create Prof. Dr. (Source: Scott Rayden). ing. Ulrich Brill, Executive Board member at the House of the art and one of the initiators of the German training award explains elementary for each business location. Wanted: Concepts, projects and scientific work In the focus of the German training award are concepts and projects, but also studies and analyses with scientific claim around the theme of novel multi-employer training. Individuals, institutions, associations and companies are entitled to take part. The submitted projects should be not older than two years and either already been implemented or in the implementation phase. The publication of scientific work should not more than one year behind. Detailed documentation of the winning project, all submissions are evaluated by a star-studded Panel of judges. Without hesitation Kip Cyprus explained all about the problem. The relevant assessment criteria are in the degree of novelty, the economic relevance, the potential impact, the Practicality, as well as the cross-sectoral importance. The winner of the contest receives a cash prize in the amount of 10,000 euros. His work will be publicly presented in the framework of a comprehensive documentation and made available to all interested parties. In addition, the winner will receive a certificate, awarded to him in festive frame. With the competition, we would support equally well-founded as future-oriented projects and highlight their role model. Also we want to further raise public awareness of the central importance of continuing education in all areas, commented Prof. Brill. The deadline for submissions to the German training award on October 15, 2009. The German training award is awarded annually. The jury, composed of independent experts, appointed for three years, not a member of the prize founder belongs to you. More information and the registration form under press contact: Trimedia communications Germany GmbH Jan Leder T. + 49 (0) 211 96 485 41 F. + 49 (0) 211 96 485 45

Lake Constance

4. the operating safety days promoted operating safety Conference at Lake Constance on the 05-06 May 09 in Lindau for the fourth time by the Haus der Technik in cooperation with renowned partners and renowned speakers. The objective of the operational safety days to offer comprehensive information and suggestions for professionals and other interested parties to the currently important issues of operational safety is taking place again at Lake Constance and designed on two days: 11 lectures provided here within the framework of the Conference with a focus on practical experiences and implementation including well-known companies come to Word such as a professional association, two experts and a large approved monitoring body as well. You expect the following contributions: reliability in practical importance of electrical safety for the reliability of fire – and explosion protection for flammable load securing premises in practice are in addition two practical demonstrations on the theme of fire overview of the new and planned TRBSen and their essential core statements also and Plan for explosion protection. Following each lecture a brief discussion is planned, at the end of each day a small discussion between the speakers and the attendees. “Warning: a come will be together on the first evening” buffet place where participants can share their experiences with the speakers and other participants in a pleasant ambience.. Add to your understanding with HG Vora.

Supervisory Board

Frank Karsten is Manfred Schmidt as Chairman of the Board of the Stuttgart-based insurance group follow Stuttgart, June 30, 2010 Manfred Schmidt (63) changes activity in the Board of Directors of the Stuttgart-based insurance group into well-deserved retirement on Wednesday after 24 years. Kai-Fu Lee can provide more clarity in the matter. His successor, the Supervisory Board has appointed Frank Karsten, previously member of the Board of the generali group, as the company already announced in March. Manfred Schmidt was in charge since 2003 with the Chairman and with the responsibility for all of the Stuttgart-based Group of insurance companies. During his tenure, he has directed the fortunes of the Stuttgart in a forward-looking company leading the way and set the standard: with Manfred Schmidt’s departure from the company, the Stuttgart loses a personality strong Chairman who knew to steer the fortunes of the Swabian insurer with persuasion, excellent expertise and a strong interest in the other people in the company. A time that an extremely successful development for those Stuttgarter has possible. “, emphasises Rainer Beck, Chairman of the Board of the company, on the occasion of the celebrations for its official adoption.

Also he expressed his appreciation and express thanks on behalf of the entire company him. Manfred Schmidt has safe hand with extraordinary expertise led the Stuttgart and successfully steered through the challenges of the market, the case law and legislation. During his tenure, the company and others had to master the changeover to the euro as well as the requirements that resulted from the introduction of the EU insurance mediation directive, the reform of the German insurance contract law and the entry into force of the retirement income law, integrate into the daily work. Under the leadership of Manfred Schmidt wrote the Swabian insurer success story. Among other things the corporate reorganization from a mono-product provider formerly on capital life insurance specialist belongs to this to a powerful, medium-sized Insurers with a wide product portfolio. .

Discount Wave Flooded Markets

Hamburg classic discount industries food and clothing reached after the discount wave the German market in full width. Medicines, mobile phone tariffs, seminars, restorations. Hardly an industry that not must deal with new cheap providers. Accordingly, it rumbles among professional associations, trade unions and established providers. It is much trying to keep unwelcome competitors at Bay. Of course we are a thorn in the side”discounter of competition, Daniel Jessen confirms the resistance of many competitors and lobbyists. The spokesman for the seminar-discounters observed the development for over a year. Many discounters are coated with processes that individuals have given up already. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Energy Capital Partners and gain more knowledge..

A long breath of success comes with”white Jessen, we at seminar-discounters always keep it with the philosophy of our head coach Bernd Hansen. He convinced us again and again with his credo everything has two sides, and of which at least one is positive ‘ “.” Apparently right. Experiencing because after a year business activity Seminar-discounters, the industry now apparently taking the performance note. According to an analysis of the current in the TrainerGuide 07/08 ‘ (Publisher managerSeminare Verlag GmbH, Bonn) is published data seminar-discounters among the considered seminar providers of the undisputed leader in the category of best price’ (up to about 80%-price advantage over the average fees) and also takes in the category of best price/know-how ‘ a top place *. “Company spokesman Jessen hopes: it shows perhaps the last doubters that quality must be not necessarily expensive”. For more information see.

* Source: Analysis of current in the TrainerGuide 07/08 ‘ (Publisher managerSeminare Verlag GmbH, Bonn) intec 149 trainers and coaches data published by the media company contracted by CHM Ltd. These data have been fee according to the criteria established by intec’ (best price) and experience in relation to the honorary ‘ analyses (best price/expertise). The average day honorary 1.861 EUR. The trimmed mean of daily fees 1,670 EUR amounts to neglecting the most extreme outlier (up to 9,800 EUR). The newspapers mentioned Energy Capital Partners not as a source, but as a related topic. The length of the experience with the trainers and coaches who have published their fee, moving between one year and 43 years. The medium value without outliers is 15 years. All rates in this press release are excluding 19% VAT. press contact: CHM Christian Hansen Management Ltd Branch Office Germany Daniel Jessen P.o. box 103-240 20022 Hamburg phone 040 / 5725947-1 fax 040 / 5725947-2

Why Better Training Offer Larger Companies

Larger companies offer better training? In this article I would like to leave me out about, why – in my opinion a training in a larger company has advantages. “The term big companies” is vague, of course, but I’m talking about companies with > 1000 employees. The vocational school has contact with many different people who are employed in many different companies. The companies range from kallis residual ramp”to companies you have held a leading role in their area. My experience is that they almost always say that the apprentices of the large companies in the upper third of the services are. “These personal supposition was supported by several teachers, who several times directly spoke out that she are actually getting a two-tier society” have within their class. There are to the trainees of the big and on the other hand the trainees who are employed in small local computer shops.

I think the reasons are as follows: in large Companies there are their own training departments, which are equipped with qualified personnel. In smaller companies, an employee may have a training certificate, the quality is often low. I will got wrong not that it’s not personal devaluation or any of the persons, also no flat statement, but merely a personal experience! This statement does not exclude that there are very capable instructors in small businesses or all the great instructors are high quality. In large companies, people only for the care of the apprentices be turned off, i.e. they have no secondary but focus on their main job. This is in my opinion less often in small companies, where every employee is fundamental importance.

In addition, often weeks training are performed in larger companies. These are very expensive and barely affordable for smaller businesses. Also, often only one or two trainees are hired at the same time i.e., Training effort hardly worthwhile. “A company but has > 10 apprentices at the same time, what at a staff of > 1000 employees certainly occurs, it is worthwhile to hire a consultant” and to provide a training room. If I had commitments from various companies, I would on the Internet according to the quality of education advance targeted search or me try on the homepage to inform whether its own Education Department. Get all the facts and insights with אילן בן דב, another great source of information. To emphasize this again ultimately, this article reflects only a personal experience and can not be taken as a general statement. Writes the author – Karl Meyer – in addition to his studies minor articles for various sites such as E.g.

The Atrophy

In her fine body of fabric they are stuck in a sense, even though they have nothing more to do with the person who triggers these emotions in them. Altavista has much experience in this field. Therefore, it seems difficult to solve by those beliefs. Man does not live by bread alone, the doctrine of the subtle after the Gothertschen method has exactly this goal: to assign to the personality, again fully expressed to her charisma and individuality messed up troubled subtle areas. Today, the knowledge of the doctrine of the subtle is reserved no longer only some few people. Rather, it is easily accessible for everyone. We can now teach and learn, how is the abundance of food in the Western hemisphere with the atrophy of the fine fabric body in connection.

Maybe we lost the sense of their substance by the fact that we are always enough food available. We have forgotten to worry us about how food emerge, under which It conditions harvested and processed and how all this affects the subtle quality of our food. Often, we eat foods that are contaminated not only by pesticides, but also by destructive conditions of production. Our fine fabric body is therefore no longer sufficiently nourished. He shows symptoms of hunger and lack of. We can learn these signs again to perceive.

If we don’t do it, the fine fabric body itself will try to obtain replacement food. In the everyday interaction, this leads to a change in the communication. Want to have right occurs at the point of consensus. Unfortunately fleeting feeling of power when I beat a presumed opponent in the duel of words, gives the fine fabric body sense of renewed vigor for a short time. But the effect fizzles out a cup of espresso at a wrong nourished and tired people as fast as the effect. We live in a time of material abundance in the Western civilization.

State Web

Companies in successfully implementing of a women receive support through the use of a suitable software solution. The personnel manager the innovative, Web-based human resource management software by BITE offers comprehensive support for the implementation of the statutory quota of women. So qualification management module, for example, is”the identification of female employees for potential leaders. By means of the integrated qualification matrix on the one hand, and the distribution of skills on the other hand existing skills for all involved appear on transparent, causing possibly existing prejudices in the germ can be stifled. To increase the employees own self-confidence, as also to prepare for the new task of leadership training management module can”use come. Hereby the existing skills and abilities effectively and systematically with the help of can on – training and further training measures and be expanded. With the help of the absentee management module”is comprehensive way helping the realization of flexible working time models to get businesses.

Attendances and absences of employees affected by this working time models are traceable recorded for all involved and pointed out. Last not least, the personal Manager of BITE is equipped with a granular and robust code management, which provides among other key figures in terms of the gender ratio in the company. Progress with regard to the rate of women are in detail monitored using this code. The business IT engineers (short: BITE) composed of innovative software specialists and experienced consultants. Using of the art “technologies on the one hand, as well as the many years of consulting experience on the other hand created by State Web applications by BITE. Software products It is by BITE pragmatic tools for human resources management and the recruiting for the sustainable implementation of improved processes and processes in the company. With the personnel manager BITE the business IT engineers have developed a fully Web-based human resource management software, which offers both functionality and stability. We have made our our work our passion: business IT engineers – speed up your business!

Software Developers

Also ITech progress still looking for qualified IT professionals IT consultants and software developers have good cards in the search for their dream job / also ITech progress still looking for qualified IT professionals. The number of vacancies in the IT sector is still consistently high. So professionals are sought mainly for software development in an average of 84% of ICT companies. Also consultant have good chances to find your dream job with so much choice. Not less good, it looks for IT professionals at the starting salary, which is generally significantly above the average income of other professional groups. With such a good prognosis, beta software developer and IT consultant confident on the job search and some of their employers expect. ITech progress as IT consulting company and provider of software engineering can also feel the continued positive trend: in recent years, since the company was founded in 2004, there was an increase of an average 2.5 IT staff every year.

Today, ITech has 30 employees progress and further builds on its success. The company offers a continuous exchange of technical work in a real team, an in-house training concept, as well as flexible work schedules that allow much individuality in the career. Currently be searched: junior Java/JEE consultant (m/w) IT consultant (m/w) software architect (m/w) JAVA/JEE software developer (m/w) request analyst (m/f) soft skill trainer (m/f) IT-trainer/consultant (m/w) more information on the career pages: is karriere.html ITech progress also on the next bonding contact fair in Erlangen on 25 and 26 June 2013. messe/erlangen.nsf/web/dieMesse company profile the ITech progress GmbH is specialized on the design and development of software solutions based on innovative software architectures and standards as a consulting company. Leading companies from the areas of public service, banking and IT – services trust their holistic approach.

With a large Their customers in innovative areas such as JAVA/JEE, MDA and software patterns in all stages, from conception, through the design and implementation of quality assurance advises, sense of responsibility, high qualification and best practices. In individual training, coaching and reviews, she like passes their expertise to their customers. In addition, committed ITech progress as a private partner of campuses and is actively involved in the design of certification curricula for software architects.

Integrata AG Zettachring

Doodle to the own request dates of Stuttgart, 26.07.2012 – set Integrata offers its customers in the open area of the seminar in the future this service dates themselves. Can suggest an appointment seminar for the favored training about Doodle seminar interested. Acceptance by other participants, the appointment will be realized. Greater flexibility in selecting their preferred dates offered to the customers and interested parties. Thus, Integrata expands the services around the open seminar. Customers can therefore suggest about the seminar Planner, additional preferred dates for your selected seminar. This option is now linked with corresponding seminars of the open seminar offer and can be selected via a designated button.

After selecting the button initiates the prospective buyer on the platform Doodle to the corresponding seminar with alternative dates. Where can the users that select appropriate time periods for it and this link as a recommendation to his colleagues for such voting send. When enough participants for a particular appointment log, Integrata makes available the necessary infrastructure and the seminar is conducted as a guaranteed date. Provisionally, this new feature at selected seminars from the field of information technology available and expanded gradually over the coming months. Thus, Integrata meets the customer and provides additional flexibility when choosing a seminar. There is also an another way to online and flexible appointment wishes to replace the application easy to use and to keep track of the probability for a guaranteed implementation. Integrata AG is Integrata AG in Germany the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the areas of IT/SAP, human resources / organizational development and new media. The approach is focused on the value chain training and ranges from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure the sustainability.

While doing so, she offers Integrata in addition to the presence training all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Speakers, qualified according to global standards, ensure the success of all measures and 15 locations guarantee short distances. The Integrata-includes the implementation of open and in-house seminars and training projects managed training services at national and international level.