Essential Composition

After eighteen months of lessons attended in the course of after-graduation in Management of the Information for the PUCMINAS, a gamma of studies was pronounced on new technologies implanted in corporative environments, facilitadoras of the internal informacional circulation and in platform in such a way business-oriented the strategical recovery of the information how much in focadas administrative units in the use and the distribution of the information (Centers of References of the Information, Logistic Units, Units of Projects, Units of Production, amongst others). The principle, must be said that, during the after-graduation, the agreement of the relevance and the complexity of some administrative proceedings how much to the conscientious envolvement of the specific and competent functional framing in the objective assignment of concept-keys (for example, workflow, staff) and of the intentions that lead to the implantation of technological tools in the attempt to supplant errors and to generate resulted, intent it the agreement on effectiveness of simplicity and innovator usability of the technology blog. Therefore yes, the flow of work demanding sequence, fulfilment of goals and administrative routines gifts in the systems of workflow are indagadores how much the efficiency of the competent profiles gifts in the execution of tasks subordinated to the objectives of the proper organization – focus always directed in the reinforcement of the corporative mark before the sector which the company concurs. At Marc Mathieu you will find additional information. It seems me that, as many administrators and entrepreneurs look for to argue concerning the organizations of the future, the corporative staff accumulates of stocks motivadoras answers how much the competent execution of models of processes (workflows), models of learnings (e-learning) and theories of development of continuous talentos (colors competence), so to speak, possessing the technology blog as motor support in the aggregation of as many specific values with goals and differentiated objectives. Considering itself that, of an organization for the other, the belief of that all the organizacional strategical apparatus will be involved by means of the staff and the technologies gifts, believing to be efficient in the automation of corporative processes. .

Mobile Atelefonia

Until the moment, resulted of studies epidemiologists they do not supply consistent evidences of a causal relation enters the exposition to the radiofrequncia and any adverse effect to the health, however, these studies have many limitations excluding any association, what it means a subject not depleted, or free of concerns, a time that the OMS in 2012, go to carry through a formal evaluation of the risks the health of the exposition the radiofrequncia fields 4. No risk has been pointed in these last 10 years. Although the use of the cellular telephone to be quickly growing between the children and adolescents do not exist definitive studies on the risk of illnesses related to the use of the devices of mobile telephony, even so they are considered of a potentially vulnerable group, for still being sensible, in formation and citizens the biggest exposition in function of its 5 infantile dimensions . 2,2 Mobile Atelefonia.

The mobile telephony does without emitting antennas distributed in vast areas in order to establish the linkings with the mobile telephones that if they use of the stations next for the communication, and after that with the central offices and that in the process, of course they liberate the not ionizing radiation (RNI) in the 6 environment . The mobile telephony is a technology that if it uses of transmitters receivers operating in the band of microwaves, where each equipment if communicates way electromagnetic wave with a station (antenna) of low power without interferences in excessively, installed in diverse localities, next the users to the telephony services, that they share diverse frequency channels at the same time. To extend the services of communication without the loss of quality means to increase the amount of antennas, and to diminish the power. The system depends on regulating agencies that elaborate norms and recommendations techniques and that they establish levels and limits of 7 exposition, considered safe for the population and users.

Lake Baikal

” The remaining protesters stretched the banner ‘garbage burn and not process’ and have started distributing leaflets to citizens of free and tightly packed samples still clean, no dioxin poisoning the air. Environmentalists chanted ‘Garbage is not burned, and recycle’, ‘No give poison children ‘,’ We want to breathe clean air. ” Recall, Greenpeace Russia and several other environmental organizations are actively opposing the initiative of the Moscow Government to build by 2015 6 incinerators in the city. Problem of disposal of garbage picked up on Friday at the conference ‘Megogoroda’. To partially address the problem of garbage disposal, Moscow Mayor Yuri offered to give up the use of multi-product packaging. According to him, it is necessary to reduce the sources of debris and, above all, to abandon multi-product packaging, as the problem of garbage in large cities now is particularly acute. Investigation of Lake Baikal to resume in June The new stage of the expedition ‘Worlds’ Baikal’ opens in the summer – deep diving manned vehicles will resume June 15.

During the second phase expedition on Lake Baikal in 2009, is scheduled to implement a complete monitoring of Lake Baikal to the decision-making, including legislation, to preserve the unique lake, containing 83% fresh water Russia and 20% of the world. Members the expedition is likely to take part in the work of the Baikal Information Forum, the Baikal Economic Forum and the celebration of the 35 th anniversary of bam. In Seoul hosted the summit of major world cities on a global warming summit of major world cities C40 on climate change ended this week in Seoul, the promise of its members to strengthen measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The summit adopted a declaration which calls on the main capitals of the world to turn them into ‘the city with low carbon dioxide emissions’, which will become an important part of combating the world’s population threatens to global warming. The forum participants committed themselves to actively to seek action at the level of city government to prevent global warming and climate change. Although cities occupy only 2% of the Earth’s surface but account for 80% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

Hurry! Higher! Stronger! … And Greener

Environmentalists ‘correct’ the Olympic facilities in Sochi On Monday, the Sochi meeting was held under the leadership of Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, devoted to construction of Olympic facilities Olympics in 2014. The need for such a meeting was due to the fact that environmentalists and representatives of various environmental companies have protested against the construction of the Olympic facilities, which in their opinion, may cause damage to the nature of the Krasnodar Territory. Requirements conservationists include the transfer of some Olympic venues, new roads and power lines. The main protest of ecologists is associated with the construction bobsleigh track, biathlon complex, mountainous Olympic Village and a number of infrastructural facilities in the buffer zone of nature reserve ‘West Caucasus’ and a pear ridge (the area of Polyana).

However, the head of state corporations ‘Olympstroy’ Semyon Weinstock said that without making concessions to environmentalists in Sochi, and all the Olympic facilities will be built strictly in accordance with the bid book and their transfer will be performed. Recall that World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and ‘Greenpeace’ appealed to Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, an appeal not to post any Olympic sites in the protected zone of the Caucasian Nature Reserve in the river basin Psluh and a pear ridge. 6000 signatures of citizens of Russia with a demand to prevent the destruction of unique natural complexes of the Western Caucasus have already been transferred to the ioc and unesco. To save the reserve by unesco experts are ready to sue the International Olympic Committee to demand to deprive Russia of the right to host the Olympic Games..

Clean Technology .

I would like to express their vision for the future, what technology will come to us, which way will our civilization. These issues concern everyone who is a little thought about the future. From the beginning We will understand about what we have, our technology in general, now backward, and it harms not only the environment but also ourselves. Millions of cars emit a lot of toxic substances in the big cities it becomes difficult to breathe and they are wrapped always suffocating smog. Our factories and power plants and pollute and poison our rivers lakes and soil. Outdated and space technology, the output of goods into orbit costs a lot of money, but the flight to stars becomes impossible. Destroying the environment we put ourselves in a situation where we all need to make a choice, the choice can only be one, or we will face great difficulties, or we change our technology without destroying the environment of our habitat. And of course the choice falls on those technologies that will not pollute the environment. Such technologies appear to be more to penetrate our lives. By this technique applies to all engines with zero emissions. And one of them and I want to introduce you: This engine is a heat engine, it is lightweight, it has a minimum of moving parts. Uses the sun's energy, but Unlike the solar panels can operate at night. It can be put on the car, ships, submarines, aircraft and even the spacecraft into orbit with the cost of output of goods sharply decreases.

Echelon – The Secret Service World

The name "Echelon" world first heard in 1980. By this term conceals the rail alliance of the five English-speaking countries, unbeknown to all of humanity create a global system of electronic espionage, for which available for almost any secrets transmitted by electronic means. Base for Echelon served as a powerful technical intelligence unit created during the Second World War, the U.S. secret services and the uk. They then proceeded to create a global system of listening. The official history of Echelon begins in 1947 when the United States and Britain had signed a secret agreement ukusa Agreement, in which the two countries to pool their technical and human resources in global espionage. A little later they were joined by Canada, Australia and New Zealand. And then – a number of nato countries, including Norway, Denmark, Germany and Turkey. Duties of the alliance members were clearly stipulated in the agreement. At Echelon, along with ground-based complex employs hundreds of satellite tracking systems, and dozens of submarines, the main task is to attach to underwater bugs cables. And they cope with it fine. For example, the summer of 1979 the U.S. submarine "Parch" was held in San Francisco under the ice of the northern polyucha in the Barents Sea and affixed to the beetle underwater cable near Murmansk. He worked until 1992 as long as Americans are not prekratidi plays, allegedly in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Development of computer networks has made the work even more sophisticated Echelon – by wiretapping phone added interception e-mail.

Nintendo DS

Nintendo, one of the companies most famous of the world of the games announced in E3 2010, the launching of Nintendo 3DS. The company who is famous for its classics, brought a videogame will be an evolution of current Nintendo DS and will bring games in 3D without the necessity of eyeglasses for visualization of the graphs. The rumors of that Nintendo was working in a new version of the DS already were strong, however nobody wise person accurately what to wait. The proposal is that beyond the innovation of the graphs, the old games also can twirl normally in the new game, making with that the consumer has the great mobility in the choice of the games. The portable one will have a superior screen widescreen with 3,5 counts, already the inferior will be sensible to the touch, being able to be off the effect 3D, at any time that to desire itself.

The idea of Nintendo is that beyond twirling games, the user can also attend to films in the format 3D. more, the device will come with three cameras, two will be used for increased reality and one will make capture of images in 3D and other effect. The functioning of the small device is to leave everybody waiting anxious the launching that will only occur in 2011. With connection wi-fi in such a way exists the possibility of exchange of data in the normal way how much sleep, making possible to lower archives of others in such a way 3DS how much of other devices wireless. Surprising to all. in the hour to control the game the handspike will have analogical system exactly to control personages 3D, gives credit that the control can be similar to the one of the PSP.

It has great possibility of the device to possess movements, of a form that it if moves and in agreement pass sensations the course of the game. If in this was enough to everything, is also foreseen accelerometers and a gyroscope as the IPhone. All the characteristics presented so far are bacanas and innovative, however what more flame the attention of the players in a device is always the games that it offers. Nintendo also did not leave to desire and closed partnerships with diverse desenvolvedoras. Good part of them if had unfolded in compliments in a video that was presented in the E3 2010 and some already they are until developing games specifically for it. The Capcom for example already is working in a new heading for the surmounting of Resident Evil, that must be still more errifying with effect 3D. Already the Konami promised a new Metal version To frost, that it would take the Metal name To frost Solid: Snake Eater 3D. Moreover they will have versions of the classics Sonic, Dead or Alive, Star Fox and many others that promise to transform new Nintendo 3DS into a world-wide fever. If you if interested for portable and the all its new features, and are wild to buy one, search the price of Nintendo DS for the Internet well and with certainty you will go to find a good one you offer.

Output Models

Uncertainty analysis model Since the model system, only seeks to show the reality, then inevitably the existence of simplifications, assumptions and idealizations of complex processes and phenomena occurring in the system. The consequence of these simplifications and idealizations are uncertainties in the final results obtained in the application of the model. Uncertainties due to incompleteness of the models are due to that, when constructing models of systems analyst made no provision for some aspects of the simulated processes occurring in the system. The second type of uncertainty associated with the inadequacy of the models. Even in those cases when the model takes into account all the features of the existence and development of systems, the sequence of events, and logical features of the functioning systems incorporated into the model did not accurately reflect reality.

The third type uncertainty – the uncertainty of initial parameters. Parameters of different models are uncertain. The reason for this is lack of data used in the statistical estimation of input parameters inability to accurately describe the behavior of staff working within the system being analyzed, the presence of the assumptions made in the model. Sensitivity analysis of model sensitivity analysis model known procedure for evaluating the influence of tolerances of input parameters on its output characteristics. Conduct sensitivity analysis as follows: define the deviation input to the right and left side of his middle values and fixed, as in this case changes the output value of the model. As the deviation usually take the standard deviation. Set realistic realistic model therefore, answer the question: whether the model is so special cases for which there are already evidence. Efficiency goal of efficiency analysis model to determine how the model is practical and easy to operation. First, the model should provide results within a reasonable time. Second, labor costs and resources required for the operation of the model must fit within the limits of computer time and the fund salary. Must satisfy the condition of practicality. The next aspect of model validation involves analyzing the assumptions and the assumptions made in constructing the model. At this stage, verify that the evaluate the quality model and its properties in terms of real impact of external disturbances and parameters.