Customer service is critical to keep your customers return and ensure they will refer you to others. The growth of its business will be a difficult task at best if not met, meet and exceed customer expectations and provide a service that creates customers for life. Customer service is all about customer perception. You have to do something else to do the job. You must fill all things (big and small) that affect your relationship with your customer. Consider opportunities for improvement in the following areas. 1. Establishment or revision of expectations.
Do you work with clients to establish clear expectations, appropriate and realistic, you can always meet or exceed? Is there clarity regarding the responsibilities (both yours and the client), deadlines and expectations of results? Are you then willing to go back and review these expectations with the customer at key points along the way? 2 . Communication. Do you have mechanisms to ensure that it is communicating with clients at every stage of participation from the sale process until completion of the project? Be clear about where you are, what has been completed, what comes next, who is responsible, what results to expect, etc? Has the client ever had to ask for these things? 3. Organization. Are you organized? Spot? Reliable? When you show up to work with its customers, has done the work and are willing to make them feel comfortable and cared? Although I have made hundreds, perhaps thousands of times before you take the time to organize and prepare to be the best possible customer experience? 4. Commit to the little things.
Never underestimate the power of all the little things. In a question-answer forum Rusty Holzer was the first to reply. Together we can make a difference and really separate you from the competition. Return phone calls and emails in a timely manner. Provide useful information to people on a regular basis. The recovery of their clients through things like thank you notes, meeting the unique customer information only, and open doors, etc. Clearly these are not the only areas relevant to the creation of customer service. I’m sure you can think of more. However, choose only one of these areas and create a plan of action to improve your business today. Make a commitment to continually improve the level of service we are providing and see how they are paid. When you’re done, pick another area to work on it.