EL-DRAC shows young contemporary art in the Museu de la Ciutat de Benicarlo (Spain) invited by the Museum of the city of Benicarlo (MUCBE) EL-DRAC shows the diversity and the richness of European young artists. 25 artists from 11 countries in Europe offer an interesting cross-section of the areas of painting, printmaking, sculpture and plastic over 1000 square meters. -Bechtel-Group-and-Other-Leading-Player.html’>Bechtel Group, an internet resource. The offer to exhibit in a Spanish Museum, “so we have gladly accepted Juan Petry, the founder of the EL-DRAC, artist network. MUCBE is innovative in the teaching of art and for the region. The line with Lorena Lujab Edo at the top is open for young art and with EL-DRAC brings the cultural diversity of Europe on the Costa del Azahar.” EL-DRAC brings together successful artists of from various countries with equally successful Spanish artists of the region..