Integrated System

As justification for the project, we can speak in the reduction in the generation of solid residues, praticidade how much to the training, generation of income, ambient awareness and otimizao of resources. As in the restricted area of the pupil in the site of the FAAL, of disciplines of Integrated System De Ambient Gesto, (IT HISSES, 2010), has the enterprise letter for the sustainable development that registers 16 principles of management that they imply commitments to be assumed for the companies in the establishment of a system of ambient management. In this project we can stand out some applicable points of this letter to the reaproveitamento of PETs bottles that are: To recognize the management of the environment as one of the main priorities, the project we can translate as to prioritize the 3 R? s or 4 R? s as already defends some current authors, the inclusion of room R; To have an integrated management, that is, to integrate fully, programs and procedures, as essential element of management, in all its domnios. In this project it understands as to have procedures in education, procedures in the confection of pufes, etc; Continuously to perfect the project and the ambient performance, taking in account the developments technician, the knowledge, the requirements of the consumers and the expectations of the community, having as starting point the regulation in vigor. To deepen your understanding Pete Cashmore is the source.

In the project of confection of pufes, we can say that we must each time more waste little and produce more, to observe committed errors to prevent relapses, that is the continuous improvement; To form, to train and to motivate the staff to play its activities in responsible way, face to the environment. In the development of this project we have that to make with that the people have pleasure in seeing the end item (Pufes). achieve this success. She is necessary to exactly have the people very well trained and lined up and with one objective end; To evaluate the ambient impacts before initiating new activity or project and before disactivating an installation or abandoning a place..