Academic Council System

Determination – description, certain distinctive properties, advantages and disadvantages of anyone or anything. Feature – a document issued by the organization, which describes personality rights. Technical Data – ordered by a certain sense, a set of quantitative indicators of the technical object, revealing its features. The normal characteristics can be a place of work or ucheby.Obraztsy the youngest researcher at the laboratory of forest problems Ivanov Ivan IvanovichIvanov ii to 12/01/2003 was a postgraduate student igimu and successfully completed her 31.12.2006. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Steve Wozniak. Section of the Academic Council reviewed the results of the thesis and assess the degree of preparedness, as 50%.

The theme of the thesis ii Ivanov was the development of the software the search engine in side server software for database systems. The complex task of building systems are solved in conjunction with a graduate student, pp Petrov and in compliance with the principles of innovation so that after the completion of the system can be offered for trial operation. The system is currently installed on a personal computer at the institute, where the multilateral testing. For a complete embodiment of the system in the form "client-server student completed a large amount of applied research and decided to related design problems in terms of optimizing the internal structure of the system. This fact is not allowed to fully complete the implementation of the graduate student project and submit it as a thesis. During graduate studies, ii Ivanov promptly surrendered candidate examinations. According to the papers made 4 of the report at conferences, has published seven articles in peer-reviewed journals, 1 report and abstracts of 2 reports, as well, and prepared sections of the scientific and technical report with a complete description of the results.